This one grew great this year 2024. Probably the biggest and fastest growing of all the different supertunias I grew. I put one of these in a 12" hanging pot along with a white colored supertunia and this one took over the whole pot. The white one seemed to just stay on its side of the pot and didn't spread as much. Next year I'll just plant one of these in a pot alone to do its things. It needs to be watered daily and I feed it with miracle grow every 3 days which it seems to like. It's the fastest growing of the supertunias I'm growing so I figure it needs to be fed more.
Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia hybrid
- Part Sun to Sun
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
12 - 24 Inches18 - 32 Inches24 - 36 Inches30cm - 61cm46cm - 81cm61cm - 91cmFeatures
The Best Petunia. Period.® Supertunia Vista petunias are very vigorous, with mounding habits that can reach up to 2 feet in height in the landscape and will trail over the edges of baskets and containers up to 4 feet by the end of the season. They are fantastic landscape plants and are great in large containers, where they function as both fillers and spillers. In garden beds, they will work either in the front or middle of the bed. They have medium-sized flowers.
Best SellerAward WinnerContinuous Bloom or RebloomerLong BloomingHeat TolerantDeadheading Not NecessaryDrought TolerantAttracts:ButterfliesHummingbirdsCharacteristics
Plant Type:AnnualHeight Category:MediumGarden Height:12 - 24 Inches 30cm - 61cmTrails Up To:36 Inches 91cmSpacing:18 - 32 Inches 46cm - 81cmSpread:24 - 36 Inches 61cm - 91cmFlower Colors:PinkFlower Shade:PinkFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Shade:GreenHabit:Mounding TrailingContainer Role:FillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:Part Sun to SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Planting To Hard FrostHardiness Zones:10a, 10b, 11a, 11bWater Category:AverageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilUses:ContainerUses:LandscapeUses:Mass PlantingUses Notes:Use in large combinations, containers and landscapes.
Maintenance Notes:These are heat tolerant plants, that aren't particularly fussy and need little routine maintenance. They will perform best if an application of controlled release fertilizer is included at the time of planting. This applies to both landscape and container plantings. Supertunias are heavy feeders, but a single dose is usually sufficient for landscape beds in most climates. If you have a very long season, a second application of controlled release plant food should be considered for landscape plantings. In general, containers need to be fed more than landscape plants. Supertunias in containers will need to be fed more regularly to be their absolute best. A second application of a controlled release fertilizer can be applied about every two months to container plants, which will help. However, for the very best performance I find regularly applying water soluble fertilizer starting about two months after the containers are planted gives the best results. These extra applications of plant food really makes a difference in performance through the summer.
If your plant begins to look open or a bit tired, an allover trim can be beneficial. Use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to trim back up to 1/3 of the volume of the plant. I pair any trim with a dose of water soluble fertilizer to provide instant energy to help kickstart new growth, branching and flowering. Your plant will take a week to recover from the trim, but the end result is a fuller plant with more blooms going forward. You may repeat the trim as needed through the season.
Supertunia Vista -The best petunia for landscapes. Hands down. Supertunia® Vista varieties deliver an outstanding performance over the entire season, lasting an extra month in southern states and well into fall in moderate climates. They are bred to flower earlier, grow taller and wider, and grow more vigorously than other Supertunia®.
The Best Petunia. Period.® Whats the difference between a Supertunia Vista Bubblegum and any other Supertunia? You can see my bubbles from a l-o-o-o-n-g way off. Vista, a distant view or prospect. Bubbles, bubblegum. Never mind. A Supertunia Vista is a Petunia. As in were way vigorous and have a mounding/cascading habit.
So in a garden bed, border, or landscape feature we grow 16 - 24 inches tall, and spread w-a-a-y out. As much as 2 feet. You want to fill an area with wall-to-wall medium pink flowers all season? I'm your plant. Hanging baskets, window boxes, patio containers, same story.
You know what else is totally wicked? I'm disease resistant, self-cleaning, and have sturdy stems so I always look good. I'm an annual except in zones 10 - 11. Full sun, water and a good fertilizer will keep me in the pink until frost.
Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia hybrid 'USTUNI6001' USPP 17,730, Can 2,871 -
305 Reviews
5239443352919Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
Tim B, Massachusetts, United States, 27 weeks ago
I have planted vista bubblegum for three growing seasons. I planted four in a container with a dwarf bougainvillea as a thriller. The Supertunias stole the show, and outshined the bougainvillea. They acted as both a filler and spiller. It got compliments from people walking by. The next year I planted them in my clay soil, and they did not do so hot. The plants acted more as groundcover vine than what they did in the container. They lasted up until somewhere in January when the cold took them. The temperature dropped bellow zero for four days in a row. I thought that was the end of them. One of my supertunias came back to life around march 2024. It is currently bushy and filled with flowers. I don't know what happened as it is not a perennial in zone 7a. It says that it is a perennial in zone 10a. If it is now a perennial I am all for it. Best "annual" ever. Personally it looks the best in a container when it has competition to outgrow.
Luis Padilla, Texas, United States, 37 weeks ago -
This is my first season using these bubblegums in the landscape and it’s only been 1 month since planting and they have more than doubled in size! I am floored by their performance. I sprayed with captain jacks BT once for budworms and the damage has completely ceased. I fertilized with osmocote at time of planting and I feed every third watering with proven winners all purpose fertilizer. They are simply stunning. Zone 8b hot and humid South Carolina, morning shade full hot afternoon sun.
McKaela Romans, South Carolina, United States, 41 weeks ago -
These are amazing. They are planted in ground in heavy clay soil and get fert once a week and they are putting on a ton of growth and they have only been in for a month and a half. Very pleased with these
David Simmons, Missouri, United States, 41 weeks ago -
I love Bubblegum Petunias. I live in Saskatchewan and I have one greenhouse 2 hours away and I drive to get them. They spread beautifully so I need less plant in my pots and rock gardens.
Gail Krause, Saskatchewan, Canada, 46 weeks ago -
Love this plant. Beautiful bright color that doesn’t stop producing new blooms! I planted I’m not the greatest soil, and it’s still growing and thriving. Highly recommend, you won’t be disappointed!
Steph, Virginia, United States, 1 year ago -
Have grown Supertunia Vista Bubblegum for 3 years. First two years it was truly amazing, vigorous and vivid pink. The third year, 2022, the petals were less vivid pink and even had quite a few whitish petals and little white flecks. The petals seemed thinner. We called our local offical Proven Winners grower where we purchased the supertunias all 3 years, but she had no helpful info for us. Trying something new this year...2023.
Evalina, Canada, 1 year ago -
I can not say enough good about this plant! I have been growing this every summer since it came out! THIS IS THE BEST!! So easy to grow! The only requirement is to feed it! I used to hate to grow petunias because of dead heading! This needs NONE! The plants grow so big and stay full and constantly blooming clear into fall. Some of mine even lasted thru the first couple frosts we had! I wish I could share a picture of my garden with these growing ….you just wouldn’t believe it! I have grown all the colors of the Supertunia Vista and the Bubblegum is my all time favorite! Just remember they love to be fed! And, I use the Proven Winners feed! (And no, they didn’t pay me to say that!)
Janet Donahue, Pennsylvania, United States, 2 years ago -
Beautiful all spring and summer long as usual. I have grown these for many years.
Ken Jorgenson, Oklahoma, United States, 2 years ago -
Yes, it’s nice and vigorous, but compared to the other Supertunia varieties I tried this year, I found that I was looking less for “monster grower” than I thought. Bubblegum got leggy, and mine broke entire stems off when it was stormy and windy - more than trailing Silver variety a few feet away. It was also so busy extending the stems that it could get barer in the middle. Rockin’ playing the blues salvia is keeping up nicely with it in my railing planter. It’s right at eye level three feet away from my chair for me; maybe it works better viewing it from farther away or from below. Bubblegum does need comparatively more water than my other Supertunias. Overall, this is certainly a great choice, but don’t be afraid to try another variety or two - you can’t go wrong with Bubblegum, but you might go more “right” with another variety or vista especially if this shade of pink isn’t spot on to your taste.
Kerry, Colorado, United States, 2 years ago
256 Awards
Award Year Award Plant Trial 2023 Director's Select Penn State University 2022 Top Performer Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield 2022 Top Performer - In Containers South Dakota State - McCrory Gardens 2021 Top Performer University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale 2021 Perfect Score Michigan State University 2021 Top Performer Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens 2021 Perfect Score University of Tennessee - Knoxville 2021 Top Performer - Hanging Basket University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids 2021 Director's Select Penn State University 2021 Perfect Score University of Minnesota - Morris 5 More colors
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