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Safari® Dawn South African Phlox Jamesbrittenia hybrid

Flower Season
  • Spring
  • Summer
Mature Size
12" 2' 30cm 61cm
Height: 6" - 12"
Spread: 12" - 2'
Height: 15cm - 30cm
Spread: 30cm - 61cm
Award Winner
  • Details

    6 - 12 Inches
    6 - 10 Inches
    12 - 24 Inches
    15cm - 30cm
    15cm - 25cm
    30cm - 61cm


    This revolutionary new series of Jamesbrittenia will blow you away. This heat tolerant South African native has seemingly been on the cusp of greatness for years, but has never quite broken through with the right combination of plant performance and beauty. We have finally cracked the code. Summer performance in both landcapes and containers is great. The bicolor blooms are sure to standout in your garden.

    Award Winner
    Continuous Bloom or Rebloomer
    Long Blooming
    Heat Tolerant
    Deadheading Not Necessary


    Plant Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    6 - 12 Inches 15cm - 30cm
    Trails Up To: 
    8 Inches 20cm
    6 - 10 Inches 15cm - 25cm
    12 - 24 Inches 30cm - 61cm
    Flower Colors: 
    Flower Colors: 
    Flower Shade: 
    Rose with a Soft Yellow Eye
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Part Sun to Sun

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Bloom Time: 
    Planting To Frost
    Hardiness Zones: 
    10a, 10b, 11a, 11b
    Water Category: 
    Needs Good Drainage
    Border Plant
    Mass Planting
    Uses Notes: 

    They are great in landscapes with good drainage and containers of all kinds. They make wonderful components in combinations recipes.

    Maintenance Notes: 

    These are heat tolerant plants, that aren't particularly fussy. However, they do like well-drained soil. They need little routine maintenance. They will perform best if an application of controlled release fertilizer is included at the time of planting. This applies to both landscape and container plantings. The plants aren't particularly heavy feeders, so a single dose is usually sufficient for landscape beds in most climates. If you have a very long season, a second application of controlled release plant food should be considered for landcape beds. In general, containers need to be fed more than landscape plants. A second application of a controlled release fertilizer should be applied about every two months to container plants or you can regularly apply water soluble fertilizer starting about two months after the containers are planted. These extra applications of plant food can really make a difference in performance through the summer.

    If your plant begins to look open or a bit tired, an allover trim can be beneficial.  Use a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to trim back up to 1/3 of the volume of the plant. I pair any trim with a dose of water soluble fertilizer to provide instant energy to help kickstart new growth, branching and flowering. Your plant will take a week to recover from the trim, but the end result is a fuller plant with more blooms going forward. You may repeat the trim as needed through the season.

    Safari® Dawn Jamesbrittenia hybrid 'INJAMSADAW' USPP 34,115, Can PBRAF
  • 11 Reviews

    Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.
    • Very beautiful but stems quickly turn brown and crispy. The plant is leggy and stringy. They have not had harsh conditions and I assumed a Proven Winners plant would be more hardy. Disappointed as it's only the end of June in Minnesota and we have a lot of summer left.

      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 36 weeks ago
    • My plants are thriving although admittedly only a month after being planted. My one issue is that the color is not even close to the pictures, not nearly as orange and pink. It is much more like Safari Sky (which I also have and is also doing well) - almost indistinguishable. I bought both for the contrast in colors and wound up having a lot of the same looking plant.

      , 1 year ago
    • I submitted a review a review several weeks ago with two stars and detailed my experience with this plant and since then they have all died. So I am giving Safari Dawn 1 star. I see the plant being promoted by influencers on you tube ie. Garden Answer, and Creekside Nursery. I would like to see how the plants preformed for them. Laura from Garden Answer even said on one of her uploads that Proven Winner's worked on this plant for 30 years before releasing it this year. After 30 years I would have expected more. I went back to nursery where I purchased and asked what they thought about the plant. They admitted it struggled and they lost many as well. No refund but at least I felt as it was not my handling of the plants.

      , Massachusetts
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • I submitted a review a review several weeks ago with two stars and detailed my experience with this plant and since then they have all died. So I am giving Safari Dawn 1 star. I see the plant being promoted by influencers on you tube ie. Garden Answer, and Creekside Nursery. I would like to see how the plants preformed for them. Laura from Garden Answer even said on one of her uploads that Proven Winner's worked on this plant for 30 years before releasing it this year. After 30 years I would have expected more. I went back to nursery where I purchased and asked what they thought about the plant. They admitted it struggled and they lost many as well. No refund but at least I felt as it was not my handling of the plants.

      , Massachusetts
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • I submitted a review a review several weeks ago with two stars and detailed my experience with this plant and since then they have all died. So I am giving Safari Dawn 1 star. I see the plant being promoted by influencers on you tube ie. Garden Answer, and Creekside Nursery. I would like to see how the plants preformed for them. Laura from Garden Answer even said on one of her uploads that Proven Winner's worked on this plant for 30 years before releasing it this year. After 30 years I would have expected more. I went back to nursery where I purchased and asked what they thought about the plant. They admitted it struggled and they lost many as well. No refund but at least I felt as it was not my handling of the plants.

      , Massachusetts
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • so beautiful. place it in a container with truffula and blue ageratum, yellow coreopsis and fushia vista petunias! they are performing incredibly and absolutely eye catching! lots of blooms cascading

      Courtney Munson
      , Minnesota
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • I finally found some at a local garden center and put in my hayrack planter. They are doing awesome and seemed to be thriving in their nursery pots.... rooted just fine. Gave it a 4 only because I've only had it a week. It's darling.

      , Rhode Island
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • I finally found some at a local garden center and put in my hayrack planter. They are doing awesome and seemed to be thriving in their nursery pots.... rooted just fine. Gave it a 4 only because I've only had it a week. It's darling.

      , Rhode Island
      , United States
      , 2 years ago
    • I had the same experience as the review above. Very weak root system and vines are very weak and stringy. I bought six plants @ $8.99 a piece through @provenwinners direct and all but one stringy vine are dead. They arrived stringy and don’t thrive at all. I went to my local nursery and the Safari Dawn looked weak and stringy there too. Would not buy again until there is improvement in the plant. Disappointed.

      , 2 years ago
    • I had the same experience as the review above. Very weak root system and vines are very weak and stringy. I bought six plants @ $8.99 a piece through @provenwinners direct and all but one stringy vine are dead. They arrived stringy and don’t thrive at all. I went to my local nursery and the Safari Dawn looked weak and stringy there too. Would not buy again until there is improvement in the plant. Disappointed.

      , 2 years ago
  • 6 Awards

    Award Year Award Plant Trial
    2021 Top Performer University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale
    2021 Top Performer Oklahoma State University Botanical Gardens
    2021 Top Performer University of Tennessee - Knoxville
    2021 Top Performer Michigan State University
    2021 Best of Species Penn State University
    2021 Best of Breed - Beds North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum
  • 2 More colors

  • 9 Recipes

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