Not worth the money, still hasn’t bloomed in full Sun. Gets watered daily but the leaves are curled and crispy. Supertunias in the same container is thriving.
Luscious® Grape Lantana montevidensis
- Sun
- Spring
- Summer
10 - 14 Inches24 - 36 Inches18 - 24 Inches25cm - 36cm61cm - 91cm46cm - 61cmFeatures
Extremely heat tolerant; a brighter purple than Trailing Lavender.
Award WinnerFragrant FoliageLong BloomingHeat TolerantDeadheading Not NecessaryDrought TolerantAttracts:BirdsButterfliesHummingbirdsCharacteristics
Plant Type:AnnualHeight Category:MediumGarden Height:10 - 14 Inches 25cm - 36cmTrails Up To:36 Inches 91cmSpacing:24 - 36 Inches 61cm - 91cmSpread:18 - 24 Inches 46cm - 61cmFlower Colors:PurpleFlower Shade:LavenderFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Shade:GreenHabit:TrailingContainer Role:SpillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Planting To FrostHardiness Zones:9a, 9b, 10a, 10b, 11a, 11bWater Category:AverageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilUses:ContainerUses:LandscapeUses:Mass PlantingUses Notes:Use in containers, hanging baskets, window boxes and landscapes.
Maintenance Notes:If you are looking for a tough plant it's hard to beat lantana. Lantana are heat tolerant, use little to no supplemental water in the landscape, will tolerate less than ideal soils and usually don't need to be deadheaded. If you are looking for a plant that will thrive on neglect, lantana is the champ. Lantana come in many shapes, sizes and habits. Check size and habit information for the specific variety you are choosing to make sure it fits your needs. Lantana can be trimmed back at anytime to shape or to promote increased branching.
In many parts of the US and Canada lantana function as an annual. In reality they are a tender perennial, in warm winter climates they become flowering shrubs.
If you live in an area where Lantana is perennial they are essentially trouble free, they can be pruned at any time of year and usually benefit with a harder shape-up pruning in early spring after last frost date. Midsummer fertilization can help overcome any slow down in growth during the dog days of summer and help bring even more flowers.
According to the Humane Society of America Lantana leaves can be toxic to pets. This means that the plants are generally identified as having the capability for producing a toxic reaction.
Lantana seed set varies considerably. If you see a lot of berries developing you may want to deadhead the plants to help with continuous blooming. If there is low berry set, deadheading shouldn't be necessary for continuous bloom. Some varieties are self-cleaning.
An application of fertilizer or compost on garden beds and regular fertilization of plants in pots will help ensure the best possible performance.
"A Real Simple magazine - Top 10 goofproof Plant"
Luscious® Grape Lantana montevidensis 'Robpwpur' USPP 19,357 -
16 Reviews
5841322411Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
Tram Montano, Michigan, United States, 33 weeks ago
Ive had this plant many years ago from taking a cutting from an 1800s house. I moved away and this summer I bought this plant. Is one of the best bloomers I have! The blooms smell beautiful, almost like a very sweet lilac. The butterflies love it! I have it in a 20" pot with a queen palm tree. It blooms profusely, but only when it has FULL sun. Watch the shade, they will not bloom in a lot of shade. Overwintering it now indoors and it's doing well. Dries out a little easy indoors, like a good mist, and still puts out a few flowers. I have it near a window to get some sun and a grow light. Still not many blooms. This plant loves FULL SUN remember . Can't wait to put it outside back into full hot sun and enjoy the fragrant, large purple-rose blooms!
A.Best, Missouri, United States, 1 year ago -
I absolutely LOVE this plant. In March I purchased 3 from my local garden center because it is purple. I put each one in its own separate large pot. I fertilize it with Espoma plant tone and left it alone. It get overhead water from a sprinkler system. All of them are big and trailing out of the pot. I wish PW would sale them online so I can get more. Unfortunately I can’t upload a picture. For me they are plant and forget no babying them. They are in Texas zone 9 FULL sun (sun up to sun down). I need more!!!!
Rolanda Wilkins, Texas, United States, 1 year ago -
Really wanted these to do well. They have barely grown since planting them 2 months ago. One plant had one flower and that’s been about it. My other lantana are doing well. Not sure what the difference is other than color. Hopefully they will decide to do “something” and grow and bloom!
Deanne, Tennessee, United States, 1 year ago -
I left an earlier review, and wanted to edit it, but can't, so I'm just leaving another separate follow-up comment. The previous review was written in late September, I think; now it is Christmas eve. While this plant still isn't what I wanted, I do have to commend it for cold hardiness ... something that lantana isn't known for. While we live in a mild area, we've had several sub-freezing nights so far this fall. Nevertheless, this plant is still blooming today. True, the leaves are now deep purple instead of green, and parts of it look scraggly, but there are just as many purple blooms as there were in September. Other lantana around it have long since turned brown.
Dwight, North Carolina, United States, 5 years ago -
I'm not impressed by this plant. We planted it in the ground next to several other varieties of lantana that have done well (and we depend on lantana in our area, because they can take the heat of summer that other plants can't tolerate). Unlike the others, it grows low to the ground like a vining plant, spreading to about six feet across (so far ... the season isn't over yet), and blooms very little. There are just a few flowers here and there. The blooms have a nice color, unique to lantanas, which is why we planted it, but as I mentioned, there aren't very many. The other varieties nearby bloom profusely, so I'm pretty sure there isn't anything wrong with the location. If you are looking for a low-growing, green groundcover for a sunny area, this might be just the ticket ... but not what we wanted.
Dwight, North Carolina, United States, 5 years ago -
Wasn't a great grower even in full sun. Looked nothing like the photo. Spindly and very few blooms.
Pook, New York, United States, 10 years ago -
Wasn't a great grower even in full sun. Looked nothing like the photo. Spindly and very few blooms.
Pook, New York, United States, 10 years ago -
Beautiful easy to grow and easy to care for plant, bloomed profusely throughout a hot, humid summer. Grew it in a pot. The branches trailed three feet filled the container beautifully, minimal maintenance required little water and did very well in average potting soil. In my area I wish I could learn how to overwinter this beautiful plant have indoor pets, though, read the leaves may be toxic to animals. Would love to know if it could be planted in the ground and protected through Kentucky winter weather.
Von Robinson, 13 years ago -
I grew this plant a few summers ago and was delighted with it. It was generous with blooms all summer long. I've never had a lantana bloom better and the color was real nice. I'd grow it again without reservations.
sherry boston, Michigan, United States, 13 years ago
23 Awards
Award Year Award Plant Trial 2011 Top Performer University of Delaware 2011 Leaders of the Pack - summer North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum 2011 Leaders of the Pack - summer North Carolina State, JC Raulston Arboretum 2011 Top Performer University of Georgia 2011 Top Performer University of Georgia 2009 Best Varieties Penn State University 2009 Best Varieties Penn State University 2009 Best Varieties Penn State University 2008 Excellent Rating Boerner Botanical Garden 2008 Excellent Rating Boerner Botanical Garden 11 More colors