I have 2 of these in my perennial bed. They produce beautiful abundant flowers and even when the blooms are done the foliage is pretty. However, they have thrived so well in my garden that they are crowding out the other plants around them. Also, I thought the seed heads were interesting so I left them on the plants and cut them down in spring. Big mistake. They have reseeded all over the garden and in the grass. This year I deadheaded all of the stems when the flowers were done. I would update your description the say that, yes to deadheading.
Decadence® 'Lemon Meringue' False Indigo Baptisia hybrid
- Part Sun to Sun
- Spring
- Summer
36 - 36 Inches36 - 36 Inches36 - 36 Inches91cm91cm91cmFeatures
An impressively vigorous native cultivar. Long, charcoal grey stems carry the cool lemon yellow flowers, producing an excellent floral display atop the compact, upright mound of blue-green foliage.
Award WinnerFall InterestDeadheading Not NecessaryDrought TolerantSalt TolerantAttracts:BeesButterfliesResists:DeerNative to North AmericaCharacteristics
Plant Type:PerennialHeight Category:TallGarden Height:36 Inches 91cmSpacing:36 Inches 91cmSpread:36 Inches 91cmFlower Colors:YellowFlower Shade:YellowFoliage Colors:BlueFoliage Shade:BlueHabit:UprightContainer Role:ThrillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:Part Sun to SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Late SpringHardiness Zones:4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9bWater Category:AverageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilSoil Fertility Requirement:Poor SoilSoil PH Category:Acidic SoilSoil PH Category:Neutral SoilUses:Border PlantUses:Cut FlowerUses:Dried FlowerUses:LandscapeUses:Specimen or Focal PointUses Notes:Compact habit, ideal for small spaces.
Maintenance Notes:Grows best in full sun and average to poor, well-drained soil. Moderately drought tolerant once established. Very long-lived perennial.
This easy care, drought tolerant, deer resistant perennial is an excellent choice for gardeners looking for low maintenance or native perennials.
You'll be impressed with the excellent vigor of this yellow flowered selection. It forms an upright, vase-shaped mound of attractive blue-green foliage topped with long, charcoal stems which carry the lemon yellow flowers in late spring to early summer, followed by decorative seed pods in fall. The contrast of dark stems with light flowers really pops in the landscape, delivering an excellent floral display.
Decadence® 'Lemon Meringue' Baptisia hybrid USPP 24,280, Can 5,097 -
11 Reviews
53463212Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
Valerie, Colorado, United States, 30 weeks ago
I bought this plant and another one in a different color last year. Neither one of them came back this spring. I contacted customer service since I had followed all the instructions. They said they can’t help me because I didn’t contact them within the first 30 days. How was I supposed to know in the first 30 days that the plants were going to die within the first year? I would think it was just a fluke if it had been only one, but both of them dying makes me think that this is not a hardy plant. By the way, my regular false white indigos that I grew from a $3 seed pack are doing great in the same location. Very disappointed!
Natalia Messner, Wisconsin, United States, 1 year ago -
I ordered this plant from proven winners along with other 10 plants over month and a half and the plant won’t grow past the point i received it on. It hasn’t even sprouted new steams or flowered. I water them daily. I also had a second package that was delivered to me but was not found when I got home. I called proven winners and they wouldn’t assist me with that anymore, said it was a matter for the police now. I’m a little too disappointed to have ordered over $300 in plants and I can’t even tell they made a difference in my garden. I was so looking forward to my garden but this has made me so disappointed. Don’t buy online, I recommend going to a nursery and picking out healthy plants on your own.
Adan Arizmendi, Illinois, United States, 1 year ago -
I bought this 3 years ago. Not really knowing what I was buying. It has tripled in size and is now way to big for the space I have it in. I will be dividing this up and placing in multiple areas of my yard. I am in love with this plant. The one question I have is what to do with the seed pods? When and how do I use them to plant and grow from the seeds?
Robin, Michigan, United States, 2 years ago -
If this is the right plant, birds must drop seeds, because they’ve all but taken over our island in the front yard. They ate pretty, but then get spindley looking and I cut them down until only the green leaf like bottoms are seen! It definitely comes up every year, and most places we haven’t planted!
Linda Greene, Rhode Island, United States, 2 years ago -
This plant is my favorite in my perennial garden! The blooms last several weeks, and the deer never touch this plant. I’d like to move it to another location because it is large for the area, however, I think I better let it enjoy the spot, and I’ll move the other plants.
Jane, 2 years ago -
This is a beautiful plant and the flowers are a lovely yellow. However, while it is supposed to attract bees and butterflies, mine certainly does not. The plant produced all of two seed pods this year and virtually none in the years before that. My species baptisia australis does much much better at attracting pollinators (mostly bees).
Charlie D., Canada, 3 years ago -
My first year for these plants. Planted 3 of them and the deer ate all the blooms. I would change the deer resistant if I were you. Loved how they looked for two days.
Dar Muehlhausen, Indiana, United States, 3 years ago -
Ok I bought this from a nursery and it looked so attractive with the yellow flowers. I planted it in early Spring now it’s summer and the plant is doing well no flowers though .. but the foliage is very nice. I am having to transplant because even if it says DEER RESISTANT it’s not and the deer keep munching the new growth. I am planting on other side of my garden bed to see how it does there and no excess to deer as it will be in the back .
Mari, Maryland, United States, 3 years ago -
Mine is a young plant and this is the fist year for flowers on 'Lemon Meringue'. I'm so glad I purchased it and can hardly wait for it to form a large clump. The yellow blooms simply glow and it is a great addition to my front garden.
Judith Rogers, Ontario, Canada, 10 years ago
1 Award
Award Year Award Plant Trial 2012 Top Perennial Performer Colorado State University 10 More colors
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